Storyboard & Concept artist servicesIncludes Film, TV, comics & fine art. Scroll down this page for an introduction to storyboards. (All images copyright Nicholas Teti III) Click on a thumbnail to see the larger image or group of image.
Drawing ideas from movies can give an artist inspiration on becoming a better storyboard artist. And to train the artist to become better in storytelling and as an artist. It also can help with research and ideas or to develop ideas making art from various sources, like in the concept art stage, character and set design. Storyboard art, Scene from FeatureThis is another storyboard from frame depicting another shot in the scene on a feature I am working on. In concept production. This is the pencil draft version to keep some elements private. The series is in the concept art phase, and I am the writer. If you need a storyboard artist or concept artist with knowledge of video, film and television production, I have the skills. Including writing, camera blocking/operation, composition, color, and editing/post.
Concept Art vs. Storyboard ArtConcept art is often used for developing ideas including characters, themes, and plots. Among other assets in a video or film or television production. After this stage it is incorporated into storyboards. It can also be used in graphic design, comics or other media. Many feature films rely on scripts, concept art and storyboards. If a writer & director develops a film or production, they often need a storyboard. It is a great idea to save time on shot and scene blocking, including actors, cameras and the environment. It’s even better to have a storyboard that is scripted. A script with storyboard frames for camera & shot blocking is great. A “comic” style storyboard with dialogue, audio within the storyboard frames is even better. It also assists in costume design, set design, camera crew direction, camera framing, lighting, actor direction among other use.
Hire a Concept Artist & Character DesignerHere are some concept art pieces showing character design and set designs.
Development, Concept Art to StoryboardsConcept art is often the first stage of any production in media. And is often used in story boarding to develop storyboards or scripts. It can be used to develop ideas that then become finalized in storyboards. And scripts as well. It’s often the first stage of drawing, illustrating or creating storyboards. From scripts and designing a feature film, TV commercial or other need. Concept art can be used in more than comics or feature films like design, engineering or other needs. With storyboards can be the script or to enhance the ideas of a script. Conceptual art as well is used in various stages of scripting, drawing storyboards. Or to create the themes and other needed elements, including the story, plot or message. Storyboards are often drawn after concept art, but often in the conceptual stages. Think of conceptual art as the planning stages. Then the creation of the needed ideas to then storyboard and script into a program or production. Or communication, other message, in film or television production. Mediums creating storyboards, artworkComics or Concept ArtThere are a number of mediums from:
Or other art methods. The digital methods can mix these medias above with digital painting or drawing. Or combine a drawing or painting to a digital canvas to be colored more. Digital mediums like 3D software, 2D software, graphics / illustration software. Including raster or vector art that are used in concept art, and storyboards. And also, comics or graphic novels.
What is a storyboard artist?Storyboard artists or illustrators draw a script or use illustration into frames or pictures. Or use digital methods like collage, 3D rendering or graphics software to create a storyboard. Hiring a storyboard or concept artist is a better means to create these mediums as opposed to Ai, that often fouls simple things up. My experience even with input images to Ai platforms is not accurate, or the Ai takes several tries that often do not demonstrate your ideas. Including with specific parameters, camera details and very concise narrative. Below shows and example of inaccurate tries of Ai for a specific model year of Acura Integra. It also has other problems in the street and the specified car paint. It also is missing the described driver. Storyboards can also recreate a script as well giving more visual guidance. To a camera crew, camera person, producers, editors or other people producing media. Story Board art is most commonly used for television, film or video. Storyboard makers may also create a storyboard from a treatment. Draw, painted or illustrated as a narrative showing written or verbally expressed ideas. Storyboard art includes the environment, characters, events, products, or other things together. They may be used for entertainment or for advertising or other purpose. Hiring a skilled storyboard creator can collaborate ideas and creators to achieve a production and direct all in the production. Most commonly film, television or video production companies replay on freelance storyboard creators. The video game industry also uses storyboard artists for game planning, scenes and cinematics. Hire a Storyboard Artist or Concept ArtistStoryboards provide better direction for a director, director of photography and actors. And for other members of a film or television crew. The storyboard art and concept art can also help set designers, costume designers or carpenters among others on the crew. Storyboard makers assist others who make scenery or props or other resources in a film with frames. Frames are the individual shots, or scenes of a plot / production. Anything from camera movement to actor direction to all other ideas. These ideas are depicted in storyboard art and often concept art. The conceptual art phase is usually after scripts or treatments, or production outlines are made. They can also assist a character designer or set designer with creation of costumes and sets (scenes, places and locations). Hire a Character Designer, Set DesignerNick Teti – I also provide similar concept artist services like character design, set and costume design. I can integrate all these services together to create what clients have in mind.
Commission an Artist, Nick TetiI’m Nick Teti, aka Nicholas Teti III. I’ve been an artist since my youth and you can hire me to paint, sculpt, draw, or create art digitally. To commission an artist is to hire them to create art for you, often with a theme or ideas in mind.
I have a fine art background, years of applied experience since the 1970’s. When I started drawing and painting as a kid. Then also learning modern digital art methods, aside from the artist services listed above. I can be hired as a fine artist as well. I have applied education since elementary school through college as well. I can also be hired as a digital artist, for design, illustration or other media. I can also integrate fine art methods into concept art or storyboard artwork. I can create expressionism, noir, abstract, gesture, realistic art, among other styles. I can create art with these medias:
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